It would seem that what could be worse than life with an alcoholic husband. But the situation is doubly difficult when the husband is beloved. In this case, a woman lives with two different people - with an affectionate and loving sober man and with an oppressive and aggressive drunken bumpkin.

Step 1
Alcohol reveals the dark sides of a person's character: anger, aggressiveness, hatred. Spending money on drinks, and sometimes taking away the last money from the family, a person drinks not only his soul, but also the souls of his loved ones. A woman living with an alcoholic husband determines for herself the reasons for being with him. Some are held back by hopelessness, others are pity, others dream of fixing their husbands, and still others are trying to keep their families together because of their children.
Step 2
The family, in which the main breadwinner and breadwinner is an alcoholic, becomes dependent on his hard drinking. The husband starts drinking, the wife develops depression, the children are stressed. Therefore, alcoholism can be safely called a family disease.
Step 3
Some wives of alcoholics firmly believe that they can correct the situation in the family. But experience shows that a person is not able to change under compulsion. He can change only if he himself comes to such a desire. And increased control over the behavior of an alcoholic, constant tugging at him at a party and in public can only aggravate the situation. After all, a drinking person is sure that he uses alcohol because he wants it, and when he stops wanting, he will stop drinking.
Step 4
How to live with an alcoholic husband? First, do not blame yourself for his illness. More humor means less self-flagellation, otherwise you can get bogged down in depression. You should not control every step of your husband and babysit him like a little one. From this he will not stop drinking.
Step 5
Do not provoke conflicts if your husband is aggressive while drunk. Do not pounce on him with your fists, perhaps cold indifference will be more effective. Do not indulge your husband if he has a severe hangover. Your only help can be only a bottle of mineral water and an aspirin tablet.
Step 6
Show any attention to your husband when he is sober. Try to organize your free time - invite him to a movie or to a football match. Let him feel happy sober, it is better not to react to a drunk at all. You can set penalties - he drinks today, you don’t cook or wash for him today.
Step 7
If your husband has a responsible job, give him the opportunity to fully relax at home, even from household chores. If, on the contrary, he is pursued by career failures, support him, convince him that he is the best, that you are nowhere without him. Let it be indispensable for you at home.
Step 8
An excellent lesson for an alcoholic is to show a video recorded during his drunken antics. Save it and threaten to send it to all your friends and family if this happens again. Perhaps this method will work for your family.
Step 9
Do not call your husband an alcoholic, especially in public. You can talk to him in private about the fact that he really has a problem - it is a prolonged stress, which he suppresses with alcohol. At the same time, you can unobtrusively advise him on the phone number of an excellent psychologist, keeping silent about his specialization as a narcologist.