Relationships in the family where the husband drinks are difficult to understand. Why doesn't his wife leave him? Some are convinced that children should not grow up without a father, others have strong love. What to do in this case?

Unfortunately, nowadays there are a lot of families with drinking men. Moreover, it is often not only the spouse who suffers, but also the children. How to act in such a situation? And I don't want to talk about divorce, but such a life is no good.
If the husband is an alcoholic, there are two ways out: either convince him to be cured, or divorce. Situations are different. If the husband earns, supports his family, but at the same time drinks away more than half of these funds, it is still difficult for the wife to file for divorce, since she depends on him to some extent. Be that as it may, in any case, there is no point in staying together with such a husband. It will only get worse from now on.
With a different outcome, it often happens that the wife is simply afraid of her husband, and therefore does not leave. Moreover, relatives, friends, acquaintances, in general, all advise to save the marriage. But why ruin your life on a person who is not worthy of it? Therefore, the solution here is unambiguous and unconditional: save yourself! Not that happiness, in general, there will be no life with an alcoholic husband. In the end, think about yourself at least once.
When you hear from the spouse of such a person that, in any case, the children should have a father, think about what example he sets for his offspring. Perhaps it will seem cruel to someone, but it is better without a father at all than with such. The upbringing of children by an alcoholic will not lead to good. Here, the wife is already responsible not only for her life. She must take care of a better future for her little ones.
Some women blindly believe that this drinking period is just a black streak in life, which will soon pass. But the alcoholic husband will not change. He himself is no longer able to stop drinking. If you do not treat him, then this person is already lost to society. The spouse should help to overcome addiction in every possible way. She must take her husband to the clinic, since she cannot do without outside interference.