There are probably no women in the world who have not experienced toxicosis during pregnancy. For some, toxicosis did not cause any particular problems, as it was short and not strong. The toxicosis of others stretched out for the entire period of pregnancy, preventing the woman from enjoying the wonderful and wonderful moment of her life.

Each female body is unique. All processes associated with pregnancy in expectant mothers proceed in different ways. Just in case, it is useful to have in stock several methods of dealing with toxicosis.
Ginger has been used by women for centuries to combat nausea during pregnancy. You can drink ginger as tea. Just dissolve 1 partial spoonful of powder (grated ginger) in a cup (250 grams) with boiling water. You need to drink it not at once, but throughout the day. You can add sugar and lemon there, it is better to replace sugar with honey.
By the way, herbal tea made from chamomile and mint, with a small amount of cinnamon, has a similar, but weaker effect.
Lemon is great for acute attacks of nausea. You can drink tea with it or just suck on a slice of lemon.
As a rule, nausea recedes in the open air. The more moms-to-be are on the street, the better. After such walks, pregnant women sleep easily and soundly, forgetting about the hated toxicosis. You don't have to walk all the time. However, if there are no contraindications, active walks are very useful for strengthening the general condition of the body during pregnancy. In addition, it is an excellent preparation for childbirth (breathing and muscle work). For those who, for one reason or another, the doctor forbids to move a lot, you can simply spend more time on the street (sit on a bench in the yard, relax in a public garden or park). If it is severe frost or rain outside, it will be enough to do with a balcony. And do not forget that all rooms of the apartment must be ventilated daily.
The main thing - remember, very soon you will give life to a tiny man! For this, you can tolerate a little.