Having come on a date with an attractive and interesting man, some women immediately feel at ease and easily conduct a conversation, while other women, on the contrary, are embarrassed and perplexed about what to talk with a man and how to maintain a conversation so that the date is successful, and the woman seems relaxed and spontaneous. During a conversation with a man, a woman should be able to interest him.

Step 1
One of the most popular topics that dating interlocutors bring up is the topic of love, romance and sex, either directly or indirectly. By discussing this topic in hints or direct wording, you let the man know that he is the subject of your fantasies, and you will interest him, thanks to your eroticism.
Step 2
Never talk in this vein about your ex-lovers and do not ask a man about his ex-women. Try not to complete phrases, leaving them unfinished - intrigue the man. Connect a non-verbal element of communication to your words - flirt with gestures and facial expressions.
Step 3
Do not forget to be interested in a man's hobbies - ask him questions concerning his interests, even if you do not understand the topics that he loves. Demonstrate your participation and interest, give the man the opportunity to speak out in front of a grateful listener. Noticing that you respect his hobbies, the man will be imbued with gratitude and warm feelings to you.
Step 4
Take an interest in the man's past - let him tell you about his childhood, about what he lived before, about his parents and loved ones. This will allow him to plunge into sentimental memories, and you - to learn more about him. Ensure that the man, communicating with you, talks about the pleasant emotions that he felt for other women and his friends - unconsciously he will transfer these emotions to you. Listen to the man's story with understanding and gratitude.
Step 5
If a man asks you about something, do not give monosyllabic answers - try to answer as fully and naturally as possible, but at the same time do not drag out your reasoning. The conversation should be in the form of a dialogue, not a monologue.
Step 6
Take the initiative and get the conversation back on track by asking leading questions and letting the man talk about himself as much as possible. Do not forget about eye contact - look into the eyes of a man while talking to him, smile, agree with his words. If the situation permits, use touch in communication, as tactile contact will bring you closer together.