How sometimes you want to know other people's thoughts, especially those of the opposite sex. Everything would be much easier. But in our society, it is not customary to openly show feelings, especially to men. A sufficiently observant woman will not escape non-verbal signs that speak of a special attitude towards her on the part of a man. So, by what signs can you determine if a man is in love?

Step 1
First, he will strive to spend as much time with you as possible. If you notice that he is already drinking 3 cups of coffee, stretching this pleasure, then he is hardly such a connoisseur of coffee, rather, the object of his desire pours this coffee into his mug. The same applies to his desire to meet you from work, school and walk you home.
Step 2
Secondly, he always wants to hear your voice, to see you on the net, will demand maximum attention for himself, because a man is selfish enough, and if he decides that a woman is his, she should belong to him completely.
Step 3
If a man speaks about his feelings directly in the eyes, you should not look for a catch in this. As mentioned above, it is not very accepted to express your feelings, and it is much more difficult for a man to say about love than for a woman. After all, he must be strong, and the image of a strong man somehow does not fit with "calf tenderness." Therefore, when you hear a confession from your man, just rejoice. At the same time, remember that hearing a refusal for him is worse than death, therefore, if this is not the man of your dreams, it is better not to bring the situation to his confession, otherwise you will greatly hurt him.
Step 4
He truly wants you. Platonic love is of course beautiful, but a real man has a real sexual attraction to the woman he loves. Sex itself does not yet speak of love, but it is an integral part of the multifaceted world of a couple in love. However, for the sake of his beloved, he is ready to wait a year or more. Just because he is interested in you not only as an object of desire.
Step 5
He is ready for you, if not for everything, then for a lot. He will significantly change his plans, call in to the dry cleaner, even if he is not on the way, only if you ask him, he will try to do everything to please you. Romantic actions, to which love pushes him, can be truly unexpected: to give a huge bouquet, to get to the window along the cornice, to put the name of his beloved on the sidewalk. A man in love is capable of all this, and he does it sincerely. It is important that you appreciate his efforts. Even if you do not like flowers or are allergic to them, thank him, because you really enjoyed it, and you will tell about your allergies later.