How To Tell Love

How To Tell Love
How To Tell Love

Table of contents:


Distinguishing love from falling in love, a fleeting hobby can be difficult. A person in love is so immersed in his feeling that he does not always adequately assess the degree of its depth. In itself, this is not bad, but only as long as you do not take some serious steps in your relationship. After all, falling in love can disappear, but obligations and responsibility remain. However, falling in love does not always end in disappointment, it may well develop into a more serious feeling. That is why you need to thoughtfully analyze at some point what exactly you are feeling.

Love is the maximum stage of spiritual intimacy
Love is the maximum stage of spiritual intimacy


Step 1

Determine what attracts you to your partner. Is it just external data or something else? Can you name many of your partner's traits that make him or her stand out from others? In the case of true love, you deeply feel your partner, so you know many of the nuances of his character, and it is they that attract you. In the case of falling in love, the characteristics of a partner's traits are usually reduced to banal and superficial: handsome, intelligent, cheerful, caring, etc. This does not indicate the depth of the relationship.

Step 2

Love cannot be based on sex alone. Imagine how your relationship with your partner would change if you were deprived of the opportunity to make love. Superficial senses usually fail this simple test.

Step 3

Pay attention to how you feel when separated from your partner. If over time you lose interest in him, you start switching to others, then in your case we are not talking about serious love.

Step 4

How does your feeling affect your performance? If the thought of a loved one is spinning your head, you cannot focus on your achievements in other areas, most likely you are in the infatuation stage. True love, on the contrary, inspires you to feats and accomplishment, promotes self-development.

Step 5

Do you find in yourself the desire to communicate with friends, family, or did your relationship with a partner completely capture your consciousness? True love does not interfere with other areas of your life.

Step 6

In the case of true love, the desire to make your partner happy often overpowers the desire to receive something from him.
