Learning to believe again is hard. And you don't need to believe everyone - men, like women, come across all sorts, including liars. But mistrust has become, in principle, an obstacle to communicating with men, this must be fought, because without trust, prosperous, harmonious relationships are impossible.

Step 1
Fear always interferes with trust and opening. Fear usually hides some painful episode, which you could not survive and let go. Try to remember it - for this sit down, prepare a pen and a piece of paper, relax and imagine that now you will be watching a movie. In a few minutes, the necessary images will appear in your mind - the answer is contained in them. It remains to decipher them. Write down the images in as much detail as possible, correlating each word and phrase with some event from your past. It's okay if it doesn't work the first time or doesn't work at all. This exercise is more of a self-exploration. If it is successfully completed, it will be easier for you to trust the man, not because you found out the reason, but because now you understand yourself a little better.
Step 2
Remember that fear is the wedge that is kicked out with it. In other words, to learn to trust a man, you should first get to know him. As you do this, remind yourself relentlessly that all people are different. Men are people too. And they are different. Dumping "everything in a heap", you can "overlook" the reliable and loyal, caring and gentle, only because he outwardly reminded you of a former liar.
Step 3
Get out of the habit of generalizing. Do not think about the goal - "to learn to trust a man." There are no abstract men, and you shouldn't trust real men right away. At least immediately after meeting - do not confuse gullibility with trust.
Step 4
Remember, you can't force yourself to trust. Therefore, at the beginning of meeting a man, just avoid situations in which you have to rely on him - do not ask for help with a computer, take you to work, or fix a current tap. Meet, get to know each other - and a feeling of trust, a strong man's shoulder will come to you at the right time.