University years are considered one of the most fun and interesting periods in life. Most people at this time have many new acquaintances, friends, and sometimes their first love.

Acquaintance at the university is a great solution. You are already old enough and full of strength and feelings, so you definitely need to share them with other people. But how to get acquainted if you have never encountered this process or are ashamed of strangers?
Possible places of acquaintance in a higher education institution
Each university provides the opportunity to participate in something more than just learning in its own group. You can participate in a wide variety of activities and join non-academic associations. This can be organizing a holiday for a certain day, visiting various competitions, rallies and other meetings, participating in a theater, a sports team, etc. In general, in any organization that is in your place of study and for which you have a heart.
It often happens that people get to know each other during a session. Common grief unites people, and it is always easier to make contact in an extreme situation. In front of the teacher's office, you can easily talk to the girl or young man you like. To do this, it is enough to ask the question whether a person hand over the same object.
On the Vkontakte social network, new communities or groups are often opened for people from one stream, a group. They are joined by everyone who is directly related to this year of recruitment. Here you will find new people for yourself, and online communication is usually easier than in real life. After a short period of time, you will quickly recognize a new person and will be able to invite him to meet outside the walls of the university.
How to meet and behave with new people
Usually people want to meet a new person themselves, but they are as shy as you are. In most cases, you will receive a sincere reciprocity at the beginning of the conversation. Well, if you fail, then you either chose the wrong moment in time, or the wrong person. You shouldn't be upset anyway.
As they say, friendship begins with a smile. Be friendly, welcoming, and people will be drawn to you. Perhaps you yourself are repelling people. Pay attention to your behavior, what if someone already sympathized with you, and you missed this moment?
If you cannot overcome your shyness in any way, then try to establish contact with your classmate or classmate of the same sex who are popular with people. Constantly being with this person, you will recognize their acquaintances.
There are many people studying at the university, most of whom are eager for new communication just like you.