Expulsion from a university is a situation that is most often unpleasant not only for the student himself, but also for his parents. To prevent the escalation of family conflict, prepare to talk about your expulsion.

Step 1
Remember the circumstances under which you entered the university. It often happens that a young person does not succeed very well in a particular discipline, but his parents still insist that he receive higher education in it. Obtaining an education in an inappropriate specialty and the resulting academic failure are one of the main reasons for students to be expelled. However, in doing so, you can tell your parents that they were actually wrong and forced you to receive such an education, although you tried to convince them otherwise. In this case, there is a chance that the parents will understand their mistake and will not scold you.
Step 2
Think about the quality of the education at your university. Perhaps you and other students have often complained that some teachers are conniving with their work and do not prepare students well enough for exams, internships, etc. If this is indeed the reason for your poor performance, try telling your parents. For more persuasiveness, you can, for example, show negative reviews about the university on the Internet, and then there is a chance that your relatives will enter your position.
Step 3
If you already have a full-time job, and you were expelled due to the fact that you could not combine it with your studies, tell your parents about your plans for the present and future. You can say that you are already completely independent and capable of supporting yourself, that you are successfully moving up the career ladder, etc. In this regard, you do not see the point in further obtaining higher education. At the same time, many famous and wealthy people also did not finish their studies at one time, but this did not stop them from becoming successful: among them are Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and many others. In this case, it is unlikely that your parents will interfere with your career and will definitely not force you to exchange a high-paying job for several years of study.
Step 4
Give other reasons that dropping out of college is not a tragedy. Perhaps you would like to try yourself in another field, and it is not too late to move to another specialty or to another university. Reassure your parents that there are ample opportunities for higher or vocational education today. In addition, most universities allow for the recovery of dropped students, so you will do your best to continue your higher education.