It can be very disappointing to lose friends whom you have known for a long time. But in life there will be many partings, and this will have to be reconciled. A friend's transfer to another school is not at all a reason to be upset. You can always meet with her or chat over the network. And look for new friends in the class, so as not to get bored alone.

Best Friend Moves to Another School - What to Do
The school has its own atmosphere. Whispering during breaks, cribs, "lights", subbotniks, etc. And when there is a friend with whom a complete understanding has been achieved, all activities are more fun, and boring lessons fly by faster. And when she is transferred to another school, the thought arises of what to do next.
Invite a friend to school activities. She will be pleased to see her former classmates, and you can chat and chat about everything.
First, you need to calm down and accept the fact that you and your friend will no longer study together. You can meet after school, chat on social networks, but at school you will have to find new friends. It is worth taking a closer look at the students from the class. Most likely, there are interesting girls who are not averse to accepting another one into their company. Or pay attention to the students of parallel classes. Perhaps some of them also miss being alone and will be happy to communicate.
Secondly, you can ask your parents to enroll you in a circle or section with a friend. Then you will have more time for communication and many common topics of conversation. It often happens that with a transfer to another school, many new acquaintances appear and your girlfriend may simply not have time to communicate with everyone. And so you will have a common cause that will bind you for a long time.
Do not be sad and close yourself off from other classmates. The sooner you find new friends, the less bleak your school days will be.
Third, you can communicate on social networks. Post photos, discuss life changes. Of course, this does not replace real communication. But it will help to keep abreast of all the news of a friend.
How to find new friends
A friend who has transferred to another school will find it a little easier to find new friends. Usually, newcomers are given increased attention, they want to communicate with them, learn more. Your situation is more complicated. All classmates are used to the fact that you communicate together, and are unlikely to impose their friendship even after she leaves. Therefore, it is worth being active. Talk to them myself, participate in school activities, do not refuse help. This way you can better understand the students in your class and possibly find a new good friend.