There Is No Female Friendship?

There Is No Female Friendship?
There Is No Female Friendship?

Female friendship is not an abstract concept. It does exist, however, it has a number of specific features. For example, friendship between women is possible only when each of them feels her personal superiority.

There is no female friendship?
There is no female friendship?

Features of female friendship

The fairer sex is more emotional than men, and is more likely to be subject to negative emotions such as envy and competition. Despite this, we can say with confidence that female friendship is a real concept with a number of specific features. For example, the famous American writer Laurie Colvin said: "Friendship is impossible between two women, one of whom dresses very well."

The basis of any friendly relationship is a kinship of spirit, closeness of views and a similar life position. However, female friendship is possible only when each of the girlfriends feels their leading position in something. For example, one of them has a prestigious job, but is unhappy in her personal life, and the second, on the contrary, has successfully married, but is systematically in need of material resources. This is the perfect tandem when girls will support each other, cry into a waistcoat, share advice, but at the same time feel their personal superiority. They will never run out of topics for conversation and will not have feelings of envy, because each of the friends is unhappy in its own way.

Women's friendship deserves special attention, which is based on a conspiracy against the third representative of the weaker sex. In this case, the girls' union is based on the development of a certain plan to "destroy" the rival.

Positive and negative sides of friendship

Psychologists say that women get sick less often than men because they are used to expressing their emotions. Hours of phone calls with your beloved friend serve as a kind of therapy that helps girls relax and gain strength. The same can be said for extended shopping trips and gossiping meetings at cafes.

However, one should not forget that women are predators by nature, and friendship can crumble like a house of cards if one of the friends suddenly becomes a married lady, or her financial status rises sharply. The reason for the break in relations can be not only envy, but also the lack of common topics for conversation, the lack of spending time together.

An ex-girlfriend can easily turn into a bitter enemy. The worst thing is that she will know enough to harm her new rival. Therefore, you need to be friends carefully, at a distance, telling friends only what they are supposed to know.
