A relationship with a loved one should bring joy and happiness. The girl must feel loved and desired. If, instead of smiling and glowing with happiness, she constantly experiences and sheds tears, then this relationship is doomed. But what if she can't get away either? Love or pity for a guy makes her stay with him and continue her torment. It's time to say the word "enough" and start a wonderful new life.

Step 1
So, you want to get away from your boyfriend. Think if this decision is final or you just want to scare him into changing his attitude towards you. You must clearly understand what you want. If you threaten him with your leaving at every quarrel and after that stay, he will stop taking your words seriously. You will be nothing more than an empty phrase to him.
Step 2
Weigh all the strengths and weaknesses of your boyfriend. Imagine that you are married to him. Are you ready to live with him all your life, give birth to his children? Will he be able to educate them with dignity? Will he be able to support his family? If you are confident that in the future he will turn your life into a real nightmare, run! You still have a chance to change everything.
Step 3
Tell the guy about your decision by looking into his eyes. You should not part with SMS, calls or the Internet. You were together, treat him with respect. Don't lie to him. Don't say that you want to leave for a while, live a little apart and think things over. Tell it as it is. You are gone forever. There will be no going back. Name the reason, he must understand his mistakes in order not to make them anymore.
Step 4
Do not listen to his persuasion. Let him beg you to come back, let him cry. Do not trust his promises if he is unable to fulfill them. You already know him very well, you remember what his words are worth. Do not make the mistake of most girls - never feel sorry for the stronger sex.
Step 5
Don't promise to be friends. Your friendship will very quickly develop into a new relationship that will end as quickly as it began. Don't waste your time on him, don't fall into his trap anymore.
Step 6
Think about the kind of life that awaits you. You will become free, you will be able to do all the things that you did not have time to do when meeting with a guy. You will have time to meet with your friends, to improve your appearance, learn foreign languages, etc. And it won't be long before you meet a truly worthy young man who will not upset you and make you happy.
Step 7
If your ex is still keeping up, take action. You don't want him to chase you all the time, do you? Change your phone number. Do not reply to his messages on the Internet. If he comes to your home, strongly ask him not to do it again. Ask your father to talk to him if he doesn't understand. As a last resort, threaten with the police, because if the guy does not perceive what he is told, he may be mentally unstable.
Step 8
Be careful, only make the right decisions. Leave beautifully and forever, and your happiness will not keep you waiting!