3 Steps To Letting Go Of Past Love Once And For All

3 Steps To Letting Go Of Past Love Once And For All
3 Steps To Letting Go Of Past Love Once And For All

More than one month has passed since the breakup, and you still catch yourself thinking “I miss and want to return everything”? Arm yourself with a pen, open your mind and keep reading. The tips below are "suffered" by a person who has been trying to forget and let go of past love for more than three years. Spoiler alert: who did it after all!

3 steps to letting go of past love once and for all
3 steps to letting go of past love once and for all

There are difficulties in every relationship, but it is not always possible to come out of them as winners together. Then parting is the only choice. Some get through it easily. Others, on the contrary, suffer for a long time before falling in love with life again.

Step 1. Tune in to your heart's content

If you deeply loved the person, you will feel sad right after the breakup. It is absolutely normal to worry, constantly think about relationships, cry. Moreover, this is an extremely important stage in forgetting a loved one. You shouldn't avoid it.


What will help:

  • Emotions outward. Do not suppress feelings, swallow tears and put on a smile. Now you have to "suffer" all the experiences and cry all the tears. This will allow you to release the negativity lurking within and truly let go of past relationships.
  • Creation. Read poems and novels that will resonate with understanding in your soul. Pass through the stories of the main characters of the films. Draw or write yourself: splash gnawing thoughts on paper. Find something that will help you to feel yourself.
  • Friends support. Don't be afraid to go to the people you care about when it gets too sad. They will help you with advice, listen silently or distract you from your worries.

Caution: This step is definitely important, but don't get stuck on it for too long.

Step 2. Assess the situation sensibly

The subconscious mind often plays a cruel joke with us. For some, after parting, only affectionate words and sensual kisses pop up in their heads. Others become obsessed with traumatic memories. None of the options will bring you peace of mind.


What will help:

  • Working out situations. All quarrels experienced in a relationship are stored in the subcortex and affect our behavior. You can avoid their negative impact. Take the time, grab a notebook with a pen and turn on your subconscious mind. Write about all the problems, resentments and fears that have ever arisen in a relationship with a loved one. The main thing is not to control the flow of thoughts and record every detail.
  • Don't turn the period into a comma. Women are often tempted to return the past: we immediately think that everything was magical or will definitely be next time. But don't give in to illusions. Coming back is unlikely to lead to a happy ending, and stretching the gap will only bring more pain.

Step 3. Build a relationship with yourself

"The only person who will always be with you is yourself." Trite, but damn true. So take the time for yourself now.


What will help:

  • Meditation. It has a positive effect on the state of mind and the body as a whole. Give it at least 10 minutes a day and soon you will feel all-encompassing happiness and harmony with yourself. After parting with a loved one, the following type of practice works best: as you exhale, release the past, while inhale, accept the future.
  • Fill your life with vibrant colors. Sign up for an unusual sport, go to the theater, cook a new meal, run in the evenings, and finally buy yourself some lace underwear. Yes, yes, the one you have been looking at for several months. Not for someone else, but for yourself. Do not be afraid to be considered selfish: indulge yourself and enjoy life.

The past must be remembered, and one must learn from its mistakes. But in no case should you stay in it. Allow yourself to let go of your relationship with your loved one and take a confident step towards the present. Enjoy the little things and just be happy.
