An action plan for this problem should begin with the question - do you really need it? A stranger's loaf always seems better and tastier while it is a stranger. Are you sure that you need this man so much that you are ready to wedge yourself between him and his wife?

Step 1
To begin with, it is unrealistic to divorce a man from his wife, if he himself does not want to. Yes, he can tell you that he lives with her only for the sake of children, does not love her and does not have sex with her, but most likely this is not true. He's just telling you what you want to hear. So, first, make sure that his bad relationship with his wife is an objective reality. How you will do this, your imagination will tell you. If you can, make friends with one of her friends. A spy in the camp of the enemy is always useful.
Step 2
Become him, first of all, not a mistress, but a friend. Talk to him about everything that worries him. Listen carefully and never judge. Do not throw tantrums, do not press on him, do not force him to divorce. Let him know that with you he can always rest his soul - and this is what a man expects from the family rear. If his wife nags, crushes and condemns him, he will very soon feel the difference himself.
Step 3
When he begins to trust you, he will talk about his family problems. And then you probably want to properly throw mud at his wife in order to push him to the decision you need. But do it carefully, or better - do not do it at all, because a loved one may regard this as spitefulness. Better to subtly mention your strengths and the benefits that he will find with you.
Step 4
Don't dwell on it. If a man knows that he is your only light in the window, he will not lift a finger to change something. What for? Everything suits him. But if there is a crowd of fans around who adore you and call you in marriage, this can make him act. This is again if he has a really bad relationship with his wife and he really loves you.
Step 5
If you are not afraid, you can try to turn the situation radically: tell him that you are getting married. This should be done after a strong friendship has developed between you. If you are really dear to him, he can choose you. But he can stay with his wife, and then you will understand that she is still dearer to him. Anyway, try. Even if you fail, it will still be an excellent result - you will stop wasting time on a hopeless man.