If you are burdened with unpleasant thoughts about the past, anxiety and anxiety, your quality of life is reduced. You cannot act confidently, your future seems gloomy and hopeless to you. The advice of ancient philosophers will help you cope with your depression.

Step 1
Stoic Testament Stoicism teaches us to treat suffering with the silent hatred of strong-minded people. Yes, your relationship was broken by the course of life about the pitfalls of reality, and now you are suffering. Suffering is unfulfilled desires. It is from them that we must give up. Give up all your desires and claims for your ex.
Step 2
Giving up desires means taming selfishness and possessiveness. Your former partner no longer belongs to you, now he is on his own.
Step 3
It must be remembered that all benefits (material wealth, relationships, etc.) can be taken away from you. Sooner or later, you will have to part with everything that you consider yours. Even your belongings to you is illusory and temporary, what can we say about people? Therefore, demanding something from other people is a big mistake.
Step 4
So, only your own life belongs to you. The other person's life belongs to him. Learn to stoically endure losses by giving them up early. Be courageous and calm. By giving up thoughts of the past, you gain freedom in the present.
Step 5
A spoonful of honey from the Epicureans Know how to find pleasure in small things. Be humble and unassuming in food, then a simple piece of bread will bring you joy.
Step 6
Abstinence is also important in relationships with the opposite sex. Do not look for violent passions, trying to replace them with thoughts of the past. Just as excessive eating leads to indigestion, so underneath the joys of love lies suffering.
Step 7
Help loved ones, take care of them. The spiritual joy that you will feel at the same time will overshadow the sadness of the past.
Step 8
Adaptation and inner attitude A person quickly gets used to everything: to life circumstances, and to his own reactions. Your sensations do not directly depend on external factors, they are formed on the basis of your thoughts and your perception. Therefore, a positive inner attitude is very important.
Step 9
Act like you are happy, smile, chat with friends. Think good things, and then thoughts of old relationships will have no place in your head.