Sometimes life as a couple is really like a fairy tale. Much more often gloomy clouds overhang with routine and chores, but partners are able to get out of this situation without loss and with new pleasant feelings for each other. Unfortunately, there are such stories when it is already impossible together, and there is no determination to leave the sinking ship. How do you know that your relationship has no future?

1. When you live in constant fear that your partner will leave because you will disappoint him. Even if you yourself haven't noticed it yet, it is very likely that this person is manipulating you. When we fall in love and build relationships, it can be very painful for us to think that we will be disappointed. And it is this pain that manipulators use to get us the desired behavior. In healthy relationships, people talk and negotiate with each other, rather than keep them in constant fear, pressing on sore spots.
2. When you constantly feel the need to follow your partner, check his messages, look in the mail. This total mistrust occurs in two cases. Or you have very low self-esteem, and when it leads to paranoia, you should see a specialist. Or your partner really gives you a reason not to trust him, hiding behind the fact that you yourself are making it up. Again, if your partner is completely open with you, he has nothing to hide, and he is able to discuss it - this is a good development of the relationship. If you are "stewing" in these experiences alone, and he observes with a mockery or irritation from the side - it's time to let him go.
3. When you are not feeling satisfied and happy in a relationship. This is a completely abnormal situation. People should be together solely because they feel good with each other. When happiness slips away and you find yourself increasingly irritated or scared around this person, it's time to either take action or break up with your partner.
4. When in conflict situations only you are ready to compromise. This situation should be especially alarming if the cause of the conflict is not in you. Not a single dispute has yet been successfully resolved by only one side. Do you really want to be never reckoned with?
5. When your partner does not notice your merits. It is especially bad if he denies them. One of the most dangerous situations in a relationship is when one person slowly and purposefully destroys the self-esteem of another.
6. When your partner is parasitizing on you. You work tirelessly. And not only at work, but also at home: the children on you, the house on you, the kitchen on you, even repairs on you. And your partner has been looking for himself and inspiration for years lying on the couch. Believe me, this situation will never change. Did you dream of such a life?
7. When you find it difficult to think about a joint future. In a healthy relationship, you feel joy and stability in the future with this person. But if you have been driving away thoughts for a long time about why you are still together and how you will live on, this is an important sign that you should not continue.