When wondering about parenting, it can be very helpful to imagine the family as a state. This is especially good if you remember that in the future the child will live in the state anyway. And for a successful upbringing, there are 5 main principles.

- We are all equal before the law. The first thing to consider is that the rules regarding behavior and relationships in the family should be the same for everyone. There are, of course, exceptions, for example, the use of knives, lighters or electrical appliances. But in general, the rules should be the same for everyone, both for children and for parents.
- Immutable laws. Family rules should be very strictly stipulated, but it would be even better that they be spelled out somewhere on paper and put in a prominent place. The thing is that it is very difficult for a child to get used to constantly changing rules, and this makes him more lack of initiative.
- Democracy and freedom of speech. This law says that the child has every right to change or repeal some laws, if, of course, he proves the absurdity and illogicality of these rules.
- Punishments and rewards It should be noted right away that punishment is a last resort. You should not make a prison out of the family, so the child should clearly and clearly know why he was praised or punished.
- Personal space. Parents should be aware that the child has a personal space. This means that they must knock before entering his room. This is useful not only because the child will have his own place and his room, but will also understand that entering without knocking is a sign of bad taste.