Unfortunately, not everyone finds their happiness in their youth and remains together forever. The modern rhythm of life makes people rush, enter into early marriages, make mistakes and get divorced. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day you will meet the man of your dreams, who has a kind of baggage from the past in the form of a child and ex-wife.

Step 1
Do not be angry. There is no need to be unnecessarily annoyed with the past of the husband and his child. Children need to be taken for granted. They cannot be forgotten and thrown out of life. No matter how much a man loves you, he will not stop being a father. Therefore, the best way out for you will be to come to terms with the current situation.
Step 2
Don't put conditions. Do not under any circumstances forbid your husband to see the child. He won't listen to you anyway. And if you still give the man some kind of ultimatum, then expect that he will either meet with the child openly and to harm you, or he will deceive and do it unnoticed. Before you prohibit something, think about what if your child was in the place of that kid. Would you really like that his well-being depends on another woman? Be sure to try the situation on yourself before making any decisions.
Step 3
Admit to yourself that you do not treat the child negatively because of the fact that he exists at all. The reason for your anger lies in your husband's jealousy towards his ex-wife. But their relationship is over, and he loves you. And the child is not at all a stranger to you, on the contrary, you should be kind to him, because this is a continuation of your beloved man. Be confident and don't ruin the life of an innocent child because of your jealousy.
Step 4
Ask your husband to bring the child to your home. Play him and try to win his trust. This will not only improve your relationship, but it will convince your husband again that he made the right choice. And strive to spend time together as often as possible, otherwise your man will have a part of life in which you have no place. Accept his child, if not out of the kindness of your soul, then at least so that your marriage does not crack.
Step 5
Frequent friendly meetings with your child should bring you closer together. At this point, you need to start treating him like a new member of your family. Think about how happy your children should be if they have an older brother or sister. And the communication of the husband with the child will give you confidence that at least one of you has parenting experience. And always remember that you cannot deprive, albeit a stranger, of your childhood.