The transitional age is difficult for both teenagers and their parents. The hormonal explosion makes children, especially boys, more nervous and aggressive, and changes in the body sometimes spoil the child's appearance, adding to all the psychological difficulties and self-doubt.

How to help your son cope with adolescence
Boys are often quite painful about the changes occurring in their own body. So that morning emissions, chin hairs and voice changes do not come as a shock to your son, talk to him about puberty in advance. Explain that this is not unusual. All children grow up, turn into adolescents, becoming more and more like adults every year.
Tell us that there will be not only physiological changes, but also psychological ones. The son will want to become more independent, to escape from the care of his parents, to spend more time with friends. There is nothing unusual or scary about this either. Try to convey to the child that his changes do not affect your love in any way, he can always ask for support and advice, even as an adult.
Try to become a friend to your son, do not forbid bringing guests home, even encourage these meetings. Then the teenager will always be in sight and will not fall into bad company.
Try to take care of your son less at the time of growing up. Excessive attention at this age is perceived as an attempt to impose something - an opinion, a course of action, etc. And a teenager wants to get to everything with his mind. Give him some freedom, but always support him if he asks for it.
If there is trust and respect between parents and children, then nothing terrible will happen as a result of the independence of adolescents. Reasonable children try not to upset their loved ones with too extreme antics and share all their experiences with their parents.
The adult's task is to listen to the teenager's narration without scolding or shouting. Even if something extraordinary happens, the scandal will not fix anything. It is better to tell about your own feelings from what happened, explain that you are afraid of your son, you are worried and want to help. After that, together with your child, try to find a way out of this situation. Seeing this attitude, the teenager will understand that you can be trusted. He will tell you everything, and you will not have to control his every step secretly or openly.
Support your son at school. Even if he does not study well, do not scold him in the presence of teachers and other parents. This is akin to a public execution. Solve all problems at home, without giving strangers a reason to make fun of your child.
How to help your son adapt to physical changes
If a teenager told you that he has started to grow a beard and mustache - congratulate him and present a good shaving set. This attribute of an adult man will greatly delight his son. He will appreciate that his young growth was taken seriously, without being forced to share a razor with his dad or handed a cheap disposable razor.
In addition to facial hairs, which are quite easy to deal with, the skin of a teenager can "beautify" acne. An increase in the hormone testosterone also affects their appearance. This problem must be fought, because the son already really wants to please the girls. If there are a lot of acne, consult a dermatologist. He will prescribe medications - ointments and pills that will help to significantly reduce the number of acne.
Give your son the freedom to choose clothes. The time has passed when you chose pants and T-shirts for him. Nowadays teenagers dress according to their subculture, they try to be stylish, bright, fashionable. Do not forbid this to your son. Clothing is the most harmless way to express yourself.