Many children at a certain age have idols, whose work they are enthusiastically interested in. They can imitate him in everything. This usually happens during adolescence. This is due to the fact that it is very important for children in this period to belong to a certain group of people. Communication is becoming the main value.

In this case, parents can act in different ways. Someone does not pay attention to the hobbies of their children. Someone laughs and jokes. Some parents support their children in their hobbies, and some protest violently. Some lines of parenting behavior ultimately lead to conflict, loss of trust on the part of children.
If the parents do not take the child's hobbies seriously or categorically prohibit all manifestations of hobbies, the parents, as it were, belittle the teenager with such behavior and do not recognize him as having the right to choose their interests. Naturally, nothing positive in response from a teenager should be expected. After all, it is at this age that the child becomes a person with his own opinion on any issue, his worldview, his own social circle is formed. And one cannot but respect this desire.
But it is also impossible not to notice hobbies and pretend that this does not mean anything at all. After all, some hobbies can really be dangerous for the child himself or those around him. It is necessary to carefully monitor whether an innocent passion for something or someone turns into fanaticism and mania. Otherwise, you may have to contact specialists, since it will be difficult to cope with such a problem on your own.
Parents should maintain a trusting relationship with the child, be sincerely interested in everything new that happens in his life. To question, but not intrusively and not in the form of demanding interrogation. If good relations are maintained, then adolescence, along with all its hobbies and imbalances, will be successfully overcome by the family without losing nerves and mutual love and respect.
More often than not, the child's fanatical interests pass along with adolescence. And this is quite logical: self-determination and self-realization come to the fore. Belonging to the group fades into the background. The main thing that is required of parents in the most difficult times is to remain calm in any situation and support their child. Then any troubles and disagreements will pass, leaving only a reason for memories that cause a smile.