In a child's life, the most important roles are assigned to parents. Therefore, it is important to spend time with the baby not only for mom, but also for dad. After all, the father strongly influences the upbringing and development of the personality of children.

Father and son
Boys need a father badly - his support, understanding, advice and education. Male authority in the family is important for the correct development of a young man, he takes an example from his dad. It is important to show yourself as a good person in order to be proud of your son in the future. The man fulfills different roles, while he is raising a boy, but basically four types can be distinguished.
The father-parent constantly takes care of the heir, helps the spouse in everything that concerns the child. Don't shy away from this job. Otherwise, you will deprive yourself of the joy of seeing the smile of your wife and a happy baby. Spend more time with them so that he feels your presence and perceives you as a loved one.
Father-friend involves his son in active games. At the same time, the baby learns to coordinate his movements, to correlate his strengths and capabilities, to navigate the terrain and in space. Set aside time to play and socialize with your son to build friendships between you.
Father as a role model. After 3 years, the son begins to compare himself with the dad. That is why the role of dad in raising a boy is extremely important. Carefully monitor your behavior, your relationship with your wife and those around you. Do not show your boy your bad habits so that he does not learn them from you.
A mentor father. By the age of 6, the dad's authority in the eyes of the kid is very high, he catches your every word and perceives you as a teacher. Help him learn everything that comes in handy in life. Do not compare your child to other children, as you can lower his self-esteem and create self-doubt. Praise his successes so that he gets a taste of triumph over adversity.
Father and daughter
The role of the father in the process of raising his daughter is initially to provide all possible help to his wife and the fact that he is aware of all family problems. Before your girl starts first grade, day after day, your bond with her is formed and strengthened. It is very important for a daughter to know and feel that she is a “beloved princess” for her dad.
Primary School. At this stage, the most desirable for the daughter is the daddy's praise. She tries not to disappoint him. The father, for his part, should become a model of a man for his daughter and always be ready to help her in any matter. She subconsciously compares all the boys she knows to her father.
Teenage years. At this stage, the daughter begins to take a more detailed interest in her father's affairs and seeks to do something with him together. Try to establish contact with her, and in the future it will be much easier for you to get along with her.
Doing business with you, your daughter feels needed, her self-esteem is strengthened. And this will help her to become a successful woman in the future. As an adult, the daughter will subconsciously transfer the relationship model that you had to her family.