By nature it is laid that the male sex is stronger, more masculine and hardy, but when it comes to intimacy, some men, even the most brutal, are literally consumed by fears and doubts, especially if they have sex with a new partner. They are afraid of literally everything: disappointment and disappointment, doing something wrong, comparisons with other men, and so on.

In the minds of almost every man there is a thought that contact may not take place. There are a lot of reasons for this: poor health, fatigue or problems at work, improper behavior of the partner.
Try to take the initiative when it comes to intimacy, fear will recede. And if it really didn't work out, try to support the man as much as possible, especially if you are planning a further relationship.
Of course, it's great to be the first with a girl, to teach her everything, and she has no one to compare with. However, most men fear virgins like wildfire because of the possibility of hurting them.
To avoid a ridiculous situation, be sure to warn the man that he is your first.
Another man's fad is that during critical days they can get infected from a partner with some kind of infection.
Be sure to warn your partner about your critical days, and, even with other types of contraception, additionally use a condom, this will exclude the possibility of mutual infection. If for a man sex during menstruation is unacceptable, then do not insist, just bring intimacy for a few days.
Never, under any circumstances, tell a man about your former sexual partners, especially if they made you very happy in bed. Most men are afraid that they will be compared to their ex, and they will not be in the best light.
Some men, not less often than us girls, are complex about their appearance.
If your man undresses in the dark, then most likely he is just shy, often praise his figure, say how he turns you on, and so on.
Almost all men, unless, of course, they are not outright selfish, are afraid to finish before their women. Usually, after intimacy, they throw a bunch of questions to the partner, whether she felt good, did she have time, what she liked, and so on.
If your man has an orgasm quickly, then make the foreplay longer, tell the man about your erogenous zones, try to treat the situation with understanding, again, if this is a constant partner.
As the truth says, it's not about the size, but how to use it. Most men are in vain worried about the size of the penis, there are many positions that allow you to please your partner.
In most cases, men do not like highly active women who allow themselves to command and indicate in bed. A man is by nature a male and a conqueror, so we girls can only hint and nudge. In another case, when the partner behaves, forgive, like a log, this also scares and saddens the man. None of the stronger sex wants to be a necrophiliac trying to revive a partner.
To make your intimate life more organic and lasting, be sure to listen to your partner, empathize, talk about your desires.