It happens that a warm relationship between a woman and a man does not develop into something more. The lady expects that her boyfriend will take a step towards rapprochement, but he is in no hurry. How to unobtrusively let a man know that it's time to make a date?

Step 1
Be proactive in your communication. Probably, there is a certain distance between you, reduce it in all available ways. Meet his friends, enter his company as a good friend.
Step 2
Flirt! Flirting is a legal lady's weapon, but how else will he understand that he is not indifferent to you? Try to be with him at the holiday and parties, let him be easy with you. Try to overcome your embarrassment by acting naturally.
Step 3
Find out all about his interests and try to join them. Is his passion for cars? It is not necessary to study the structure of cars, but it does not even hurt to distinguish between their brands. At least you will always have something to talk about besides the weather.
Step 4
Get the support of mutual friends. You can honestly admit that you really want to go on a date with him, but bad luck, he is embarrassed to invite you. Friends will surely tell him about your sympathies. Sometimes such a maneuver is enough for a romance to start.
Step 5
Tell him that you have gathered for a long time with your friend in the cinema, but she is ill and will not be able to go. And the movie is so cool! The heart of even the most severe man should tremble, not to leave a confused girl without her favorite movie. There is a cafe next to the cinema - why not a place for a first date?
Step 6
Give him a symbolic gift with a hint. A chain with a pink heart and the inscription "Looking for a soul mate" will express your intentions better than any words. If you are embarrassed by such a sentimental offering, write an ironic poem for him, where he appears in the form of a cruel prince who does not notice a beauty who, from inattention, will soon turn into a frog.
Step 7
Allow yourself to be desirable and attractive, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Didn't the hints work? Take the first step, admit that you want to be not just a friend, but a beloved girl. He will not resist.