Many people use their car not only as a means of transportation. After all, a car is a place with which you can diversify sex, adding a zest to it. Of course, sex in the car is often quick, but how memorable it is! Only here it is possible to make mistakes, as a result of which sex in the car will not bring any pleasure. So what's the right way to do it in a car?

Why is sex in a car attractive to many? Spontaneous sex in unexpected places always excites people more. In addition, it promises new sensations. And there is also a type of people who simply adore this kind of sex - a kind of sexual automatism.
So, you have to take care of what you might need. For example, a blanket, a pillow. You will cover the seat with a blanket (don't forget about hygiene), and you can put a pillow under your head for convenience. You can not do without wet wipes, protective equipment.
Be responsible for choosing the place where you park for this action. The area needs to be quiet, you don't want to be caught hot, do you?
The main process also needs to be considered separately. You will need to find a comfortable position. There are many corners in the car, there is not so much space.
You should not do this in the car, for example, in a fierce winter. After all, you will have to take off your jackets / fur coats, trousers. Undressing in the car will bring you sheer inconvenience, and then the desire can disappear altogether. It is better to guess the moment when a woman is wearing a skirt with stockings, then you won't have to undress too much.
Put the car on the handbrake. You can turn on music - this will create a romantic atmosphere, and drown out the sounds of passion. But excessively loud music is also useless - you can attract unnecessary attention to yourself.
Do not forget to protect yourself - the car doors are locked! Turn on the air conditioner to prevent the glass from fogging up. Misted windows will also attract the attention of people passing by.
Most often in the car they have sex in the classic pose - a woman on top of a sitting man. If the space of the car allows, then the partner can kneel in front of the lady's feet.
Of course, sex in a car is a good experiment, but still it is more suitable for those who prefer extreme sensations.