In medicine, a person's ability to conceive and bear healthy offspring is called fertility. There are many guidelines for women to help them get pregnant and have a healthy baby. But men can also improve their fertility by eating certain foods.

What is male fertility
Male fertility is directly related to the morphology and motility of sperm, the volume of sperm produced. It is considered normal when in the analysis for every milliliter of semen there are at least 15 million sperm. But it's not just quantity. A viable sperm has an ovoid body and a long tail, as well as high motility. For the conception to be successful, it is necessary that at least 50% of the sperm consisted of just such "live".
Male fertility is influenced by a number of factors. Among them, the main ones are:
- age;
- Lifestyle;
- the health of the genitourinary system;
- Environment;
- psychological condition.
Overweight, bad habits, constant stress - these are the simplest reasons that prevent men from having healthy sperm.
There are also ways to increase male fertility. One of the most affordable is choosing the right, nutrient-rich foods.
What nutrients improve sperm quality
Zinc is one of the most important elements affecting sperm quantity and quality. Studies have shown that the level of zinc in the body of infertile men is much lower than that of fertile men.
Folate, a natural form of the water-soluble B vitamin that pregnant women and pregnant women take in the form of folic acid, is also important for men. Low folate levels not only lead to a lower density of sperm and a decrease in their number, but also to the appearance of specimens with damaged DNA among them. Another B vitamin, vitamin B12, is also essential for sperm health. Scientists have shown that it improves motility and increases sperm count.
Antioxidants - such as vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10, selenium - also improve sperm motility and morphology. These indications are also influenced by amino acids involved in the regulation of male sex hormones, in particular, D-aspartic acid and L-arginine.
Polyunsaturated fats, often referred to as healthy fats, are essential for proper sperm membrane development.
Why it is better to eat foods rather than supplements
While various nutritional supplements are considered safe ways to get the right dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, the body does not always absorb the nutrients obtained in this way. Most scientists, and their opinion is supported by research, believe that eating foods rich in the right compounds is the most effective way to give the body what it needs.

This is why the best way to influence male fertility through the intake of essential nutrients is to eat foods that are high in nutrients.
7 foods that affect sperm quality
This plant is not only packed with nutrients that are critical for sperm production, but it also has cardiovascular health benefits. A healthy heart and blood vessels do not directly affect male fertility, but problems with these organs affect sexual activity. It is best to consume fresh asparagus in the season that runs from mid-spring to mid-summer.

Oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines and grapefruits are a source of vitamin C, which directly affects sperm motility and vitality. Citrus fruits can be put in salads made from fresh herbs, which are also good for health, squeezed out of juice, mixed with berries, which are also a source of antioxidants.
This cabbage is a storehouse of precisely those vitamins and minerals that are associated with improving sperm quality. The shorter the heat treatment of broccoli, the more useful elements will remain in it. You can also eat raw cabbage, just dipping it in a delicious sauce or putting it in a vegetable salad.
This fruit contains vitamins E and C, folates, and is also rich in healthy fats. Eating avocados certainly promotes male fertility and also affects DNA replication.
Oysters, lobsters, crabs, shrimps contain selenium, zinc, vitamin E. In addition, delicious seafood affects libido by acting as aphrodisiacs.

Domestic bird
In the breasts of ordinary chicken there is not only the protein necessary for the production of sperm, but also selenium, zinc and coenzyme Q10 that affect its quality. The same can be said about the meat of turkeys, geese, quails, and guinea fowls.
In addition to omega-3 acids, salmon is a source of selenium, B vitamins. It also contains vitamin D, the latest research suggests that it is also associated with male fertility and affects testosterone levels and sperm motility.