Who Is In Charge Of The Family: Husband Or Wife

Who Is In Charge Of The Family: Husband Or Wife
Who Is In Charge Of The Family: Husband Or Wife

The head of the family is the person who determines the stable order of things, solves all problems, and is also responsible for the quiet existence of his household.

Who is in charge of the family: husband or wife
Who is in charge of the family: husband or wife

Family leadership

The family is the unit of society in which all members pursue certain goals through the division of responsibilities. In the family, someone must be the main one in order to solve any everyday difficulties. Women by nature are rather weak creatures. They cannot cope with some problems on their own. If a representative of the fair sex decided to become the head of the family, thereby she belittles not only the role of a man, but also his self-esteem. Once upon a time it was accepted that a woman should obey her man in everything, so guys on a subconscious level choose the girl who is able to be obedient and agreeable as a wife.

A man, undoubtedly, should occupy dominant and leading positions in the family. The fact is that representatives of the stronger sex have the least emotionality, so they are able to more soberly assess the current situation and competently make decisions to eliminate the difficulties, obstacles and problems that have arisen. They can provide their households financially, as well as provide them with moral support.

A woman cannot be the head of the family, not only because of her weakness, but also because she is susceptible to the negative influence of external factors. She cannot provide safety and make the right decisions in time in various emergency situations. A completely different task is assigned to the girl: she creates comfort and coziness in the house, is engaged in raising children, establishes a microclimate in relationships and provides moral support to her soul mate. If a woman tries to become a family leader, living in a marriage with a henpecked, such a relationship is initially doomed. Although any rule, of course, has its exceptions, so it is impossible to speak about it unequivocally.

Is there equality in the family?

Some people believe that an idyll reigns in their relationship due to the fact that husband and wife are equal. In fact, equality is only an illusion. Yes, the spouses discuss some problems together and make important decisions together, but the responsibility still rests with one person. Most often, it happens that during a family council, a woman expresses her point of view to her husband, the husband either agrees with her or refutes her, and in the end he, most likely, proves his innocence to his wife.
