How To Quickly And Free Of Charge Pass The Nursery Commission In Yekaterinburg

How To Quickly And Free Of Charge Pass The Nursery Commission In Yekaterinburg
How To Quickly And Free Of Charge Pass The Nursery Commission In Yekaterinburg

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For all parents whose children are 3 years old (or even earlier, if they were given a ticket to kindergarten), the question arises: how quickly to pass the nursery commission? I would like to spend less time on this event and preferably without spending a lot of money. To pass a nursery medical examination for a kindergarten in Yekaterinburg for free is quite real and simple.

nursery commission free of charge in Yekaterinburg
nursery commission free of charge in Yekaterinburg


Step 1

We reserve a voucher for an appointment with specialists by calling the call-center of Yekaterinburg: 2285933. We tell the consultant that you need to go through the nursery commission in 3 years. He will make an appointment with 4 specialists (neurologist, surgeon, ENT and ophthalmologist) for one day and tell you the time of appointment. We also ask you to immediately make an appointment with the pediatrician for the same day in order to immediately return all the papers for the conclusion. The girl still needs to be registered with the gynecologist.

Step 2

We go to the pediatrician's polyclinic during the hours of his appointment to take coupons and directions for tests. We specify the day when this can be done by calling the registration desk. For example, in Yekaterinburg in polyclinic 11, coupons are received only on Wednesday. We go without a child to a nurse (if she is on the site) or to our pediatrician and ask for referrals for tests. You can enter the office without waiting in line, because the nurse is often not busy during the appointment. Each direction must be accompanied by a coupon indicating the date and time when you need to take them. We'll have to go with the child several times, because it's not a fact that the blood (general analysis and for sugar) and scraping for enterobiasis will be in the same day and in one place. In addition to these tests, you still need to pass feces for eggs, worm and urine. To pass the nursery commission quickly, we strive to get to the pediatrician the same week when we call the call center.

Referral for tests for the nursery board with a stuck coupon
Referral for tests for the nursery board with a stuck coupon

Step 3

We take a bypass sheet for a medical examination from the pediatrician (this is A4 paper with a list of all specialists and data about the child) and go directly to the nursery board. Doctors will make a mark on it after the appointment. This document can be taken either together with coupons for tests, or on the day of the nursery medical examination before passing the specialists. After the appointment, the surgeon and neurologist can additionally refer the child to a speech therapist, urologist and psychiatrist. You can also sign up for them by calling the call center.

A bypass sheet for the nursery commission
A bypass sheet for the nursery commission

Step 4

We book a coupon to the dentist on the Internet on the portal of the city of Yekaterinburg. If at 1 year you have to make an appointment for the first appointment via the phone, then at 3 years old everything is easier. The data is already in the system, and you can see free coupons while sitting at home at the monitor screen. We go to the site, enter the surname and policy number. Then we select the line "Dentistry" and sign up for a prophylactic office on a convenient day and time. Do not forget to take a bypass sheet with you to the appointment so that the dentist makes a mark on it.

Step 5

We buy a medical card and a vaccination certificate from Rospechat. These documents will be completed by the nurse. If you forgot to buy in advance, then in the clinic in the office of paid services, they are usually sold.

Nursery card
Nursery card

Step 6

We go to the final appointment with the pediatrician. After all the doctors, you need to visit the pediatrician. We give him the test results, a bypass sheet with the conclusions of all narrow specialists, a medical card for the nursery board, an inoculation certificate, a copy of the child's birth certificate and his policy. The nurse will fill out the card and certificate. This will take some time, the conclusion will be given, most likely, in a few days. The nursery commission is valid for six months. But the analyzes cease to be reliable after 10 days. If during this time the card was not taken to the kindergarten, they will have to be retaken.
