In the past, girls had to wait until they were asked out on a date, but today women’s initiative is not forbidden. However, even nowadays, many women find it unacceptable to show attention to guys or just don't know how to ask a man out on a date.

Step 1
Make sure your feelings are true, which should not be based only on external signs. If you are sure that you are interested in this date, then you can act boldly. To be sure of your desire, you first need to talk to him. Try to see if the guy shows sympathy for you. Talk to him about a topic that is interesting to you and may interest him - for example, discuss a recently released film. If you met in a cafe - discuss the dishes, at the exhibition - the work of artists. Whether you are studying or working together, there are always topics. Be calm and relaxed when speaking. You can give me a couple of compliments. Do not argue, show that even if you disagree, you are ready to accept his point of view.
Step 2
After ten minutes of conversation, you will know if you should go on a date with this guy. Choose the right moment for the invitation. Be casual. For example, when you start talking about a new movie, remember the date it was shown at the theater and invite him to come with you. Tell us about another interesting exhibit at the exhibition. In any case, you can invite for a walk in the park in good weather. Show that you are actually interested in dating.
Step 3
Think over the form of the sentence in advance, choose the right words. It will not be superfluous to practice in front of the mirror - this will help you speak and act more confidently and not get into an awkward situation when there are no words after the greeting.
Step 4
Choose the right time for the invitation. It is desirable that the guy was alone, without friends. If he is in the company of colleagues or friends, it is indecent to take him away. He should not rush anywhere, so that you can calmly talk, ask for a date and appoint a time and place. If you see him looking worried or upset, wait for a better moment.
Step 5
Remember that water does not flow under a lying stone. You can wait a very long time for a guy to invite you: perhaps he is hindered by shyness or other reasons. Talk to him first - and even if you refuse, you will know for sure that there is nothing to wait. Take a simpler approach to rejection, don't show frustration, and don't set yourself up for failure ahead of time.