A guy's desire to please a girl on a date is understandable. It depends on your behavior whether this meeting will be the first and last, or will serve as an occasion to meet again. Therefore, it is so important to know - what is interesting for girls?

Self confidence
Any girl intuitively feels whether a man is confident in himself. If he stutters when she asks him a question, his voice trembles or he constantly blushes - the girl undoubtedly likes and flatters this, but at the same time she begins to consider the man as insecure in his own abilities. So be confident and calm. Answer her questions in an even voice, smile and joke - only within the bounds of decency. Watch your gestures and posture. A closed posture and crossed arms will also show that you are feeling some discomfort and tightness.
Intelligent Conversations
Girls are attracted to smart conversations. The image of a joker and a collector of anecdotes, of course, attracts. But the girl wants to talk not only about the weather and hear a couple of jokes … She wants to discuss politics, get your opinion on global warming and endangered animals. Do not try to sarcastically respond to the question about your attitude to the arthouse and make fun of the girl (especially if she is blonde). Your humor on the topic "can a woman be interested in this?" is completely inappropriate here.
Your lifestyle and social status
No, not everyone is concerned about the money and prospects of a potential partner. The girl just wants to know what you are, how you see your future. Therefore, questions about work, a red diploma and the desire to become a business man are quite understandable - she does not look into your wallet, she is just trying to figure out your position in life. Do you really want to connect your life with a lazy person and an eternal dreamer who has no plans for the future? Such a man cannot provide for his family and protect his beloved from the troubles of life. If you tell her that work brings you only joy, and you plan to implement all your plans in the near future, the girl will be fascinated.