Understanding whether he is in love with you, or just has a friendly sympathy, sometimes it is not easy. Some men, for a number of reasons, may send girls such conflicting signals that it is easier to decipher a spy report than to understand their intentions. On the one hand, you would never want to find yourself in a ridiculous position, seem intrusive or desperate. On the other hand, you so want to know how he feels. What to do? Take a closer look and listen to it more attentively.

It is necessary
- Interest
- Observation
- The simplest knowledge from the field of psychology
Step 1
Pay attention to his body language.
When a man is interested in a woman, he tries to be as close to her as possible. During the conversation, he turns to the interlocutor with his whole body, leans in her direction, catches her eye. On the other side of the room, he will still try to make eye contact with you from time to time.
Catch his eye yourself and pay close attention to the pupils. If they expand at the sight of you, he is definitely attracted. Keep in mind that your eyes, if you like what you see, will just as readily give you away to him.
Step 2
Watch his behavior.
Seeing a woman attractive to him, a man begins to behave like a peacock. He straightens his hair, tie, cufflinks, tugs at the zippers on his jacket and preserves himself in every possible way. If a woman is far from him, he involuntarily begins to raise his voice in a conversation in order to attract her attention. Gradually, he will move around the room so as to be closer to the one that attracts him. This behavior is almost impossible to control, since it is inherent in us by nature. After all, for her we are just males and females, following instincts.
Step 3
Compare his behavior.
Pay attention to how he behaves with other girls. If he is equally relaxed with everyone, tries to hug everyone, to make everyone laugh, “spreads his tail” before each, this is a bad sign. But if he is relaxed and natural with everyone, but shy and shy with you, then this is an indicator that you are more important to him than others.
Step 4
Analyze what he is talking to you about.
If he asks you more than talks about himself, he is definitely in love. After all, only the object of passion can be of interest to a person more than he himself. If he is interested in your interests in detail, then you definitely arouse his interest. If he teases you a little, then he wants to be guaranteed to grab all your attention.
Step 5
Take a closer look and listen to those around you.
Usually someone from the side of our love knows better than the one with whom we are in love. If his friends tease him when you are around, they either know something for sure or notice something that you are missing.