Spouse Complains About Me To His Mother

Spouse Complains About Me To His Mother
Spouse Complains About Me To His Mother

Many men complain about their wives to their mothers if any conflict situation arises. After all, a mother will always support her son. She taught him from childhood to tell her everything and got used to receive information about everything that concerns his life.

Spouse complains about me to his mother
Spouse complains about me to his mother

Unfortunately, many mothers do not distinguish between a trusting relationship with their son and his personal family life. Many psychologists argue that for a happy family life it is necessary to live separately from parents and minimize any interference with the family from relatives.

A man should understand that humiliating his wife in the eyes of a loved one, he will not achieve anything good. This will lead to a scandal in the future or, even worse, to the disintegration of the family. Is there a way out of this situation?

If you constantly quarrel or just misunderstand each other, most likely in this situation the husband will want to receive support from a loved one. Ideally, a close friend can become such a person, he will not significantly affect your family relations, he may listen, provide support. If there is no close friend, then his mother is the inevitable support for your spouse, and this is dangerous for the family because she can use all your shortcomings against you.

You must carefully monitor any attempts on the part of your husband, groundlessly humiliate and insult you. All family problems need to be solved only together. You also need to talk to your husband frankly about the reasons for this behavior, it is quite possible that he simply does not realize the possible consequences of such revelations with his mother. You should never insult his mother in front of your husband, do not try to put her in a negative light, calmly talk and explain your position.

Visit your husband's parents more often so that there is no opportunity to gossip about you. Asking your mother-in-law for tips on housekeeping will strengthen the relationship of trust between you. Objectively evaluate your actions, work on yourself, so you will better control the situation.
