Distrust of your husband, relatives, and a friend - this feeling haunts many people, poisons their lives. The reason may be treason, betrayal, misunderstanding. How can you make your relationship trustful and open again?

Step 1
Understand what is the reason for the mistrust. Very often, distrust of people begins in childhood. The child completely trusts the mother. But sometimes she doesn't justify this feeling. Childhood experiences leave an imprint on a lifetime. Chances are, you should see a psychologist. He, as a professional, will be able to restore trusting relationships with the help of special group sessions.
Step 2
Apparently, you idealized people from your environment too much, so when faced with betrayal and betrayal, you could not relate to it realistically. You should learn to look at the world differently. First of all, heal yourself from your illusions and understand that a person is not immune from weaknesses and temptations. You have had positive feelings for your friend or even relative before, although you did not suspect that he was capable of causing pain. But since then he has not changed. All his qualities remained the same. Perhaps the problem is that you are taking the situation too personally.
Step 3
Mistrust often stems from a lack of candor. Learn to tell the truth yourself. Thus, you set an example for your partner. And when you stop being afraid of having an honest conversation, it’s easier to rebuild trust.
Step 4
It happens that mistrust between two very close people is based on jealousy. What should be done in this case? Perhaps you do not trust your partner because there is sin on your conscience. Therefore, you suspect your loved one of dishonest acts. You can help yourself if you understand that a person is individual. You don't need to project your actions onto others.
Step 5
Try to build confidence in yourself. Perhaps, as a child, you were not a very beloved child and you think that this is normal. There is nothing special about you that can be loved and respected. You should feel that you are worthy of love, and for this, try to improve yourself. Love yourself! When you grow up in your own eyes, you can trust your loved one.