Unrequited love, of course, was experienced by each of us. Scars on the soul heal only after a while, and no other medicine for amorous arrows has yet been invented. But even if you see that a man does not show interest in you, this does not mean at all that he will not be yours.

Step 1
In love, as in war, all is fair. Therefore, if you have definitely decided that you really need this person, you should make every effort to achieve your goal. The main thing to remember when conquering a man is that he should not know about your intentions. The representatives of the stronger sex have a completely different psychology: a woman is pleased to see that a man is caring for her, and a young man, seeing that they are trying to conquer him, will simply run away.
Step 2
The first thing to start with is to find out as much as possible about your chosen one. If you have common interests, you will always have something to talk about, and this is a great occasion to communicate.
Step 3
Men, like women, have their own ideal. If you know what kind of girls he likes, then you can easily pick up the key to the heart of your chosen one. However, remember that if your goal is a serious relationship, first of all, remain yourself, otherwise he will not fall in love with you, but with a fictional image.
Step 4
Men love with their eyes. This common truth is known to everyone without exception. Let a lot of feminine things and beautiful dresses appear in your wardrobe. Your chosen one should see a woman in front of him, not a friend. Dressing sexy, not vulgar, is a whole art, but you must remember that the main thing is that the man has room for imagination.
Step 5
Sometimes it happens that a man outwardly likes a girl, but as soon as he speaks to her, he quickly becomes disappointed. Remember, men like smart and interesting women who can not only keep the conversation going, but also listen. When talking with a guy, do not forget that he is a man, not your girlfriend, and you should not tell him about everything that happens in your life.
Step 6
When your relationship begins, give him the opportunity to take the initiative. You shouldn't often call and write sms. You have already interested him, now give the man the opportunity to look after you.