The art of flirting is an indispensable tool for communication. Light sexual overtones make it possible for a man and a woman to play with the aim of continuing the relationship and bringing it to a more intimate level. Learning to flirt means mastering the science of manipulation.

Step 1
You must look good. Initially, a man is attracted by the external data of a woman - figure, face, hairstyle, eyes. Well-groomed hands, well-groomed skin, beautifully styled hair, neat clothes to a figure - a man will never miss such a woman. Your initial goal is to get attention.
Step 2
Optimistic attitude. A woman in a gloomy mood will never become an object of flirting - no one wants to mess with gloomy and harsh people. Smile and learn to find pleasure in any activity - men are attracted to women who are light, airy and open.
Step 3
"Build your eyes." This is the main flirting technique - an enigmatic look. A direct look into the eyes should not be too long - just a couple of seconds and turn away. Look away slowly, allowing the man to gauge your interest. A sidelong glance, smiling and mischievous - remember how you did it as a little girl and put a little more passion, add a languid flick of your eyelashes. You can pretend to be embarrassed and embarrassed - lower your eyes and quickly turn away. The main point of this game with the eyes is to make it clear to the man that they are determined to continue communication and clearly show your affection for him.
Step 4
Stick to a “light” communication style. When flirting with a man, you should not talk to him on serious topics, "load" him with information, talk about your problems. Your communication should be informal and based on mutual compliments, harmless jokes, conversations with a touch of humor. A little irony or even a slight mockery will not hurt - you will show your ability to joke and conduct a conversation so that the man does not get bored. Be more sophisticated in these situations - this is a good opportunity to demonstrate your sense of humor.
Step 5
Touch casually. Barely tangible touches to a man's clothes, his hands, elbow belong to the last stage of flirting - more decisive offensive actions will follow. You should not constantly look for a chance to take him by the hand, touch him on the cheek - do it as if by accident, focusing on your gestures only by an imperceptible movement of your eyes, by turning your head.