Flirting is an easy game that tickles the nerves, gives a man and a woman the pleasure of communication.

Flirting language is all about words and gestures. Even if you are an experienced spouse, you shouldn't forget about flirting. Flirting with your own husband, you can refresh your relationship, fill them with passion and mischief, as you did in your youth. We have prepared some tips that will reveal all the secrets of inspiring flirting for you.
Use body language
We usually "read" and use gestures on a subconscious level. If you want to become a true professional in the art of flirting, you should use and "read" the gestures consciously. If, during a conversation, the interlocutor raises his eyebrows, tilts his head in your direction, touches his hair, the toes of his shoes are directed directly towards you, then he does not mind flirting with you. Intending to flirt? Do the same.
Words: it is important not about what, but how
Flirting is not an exchange of information, but an exchange of emotions. You can talk about anything: the weather, hobbies, plans, interesting events. It is not the topic of conversation that is important, but some mischief, good-natured slyness, understatement, significant silences, transparent hints and veiled (and not so) compliments.
Add mystery
Many people know that mystery is an indispensable attribute of flirting. But how can this be achieved? The secret is to give a minimum of information about yourself and at the same time not be fake, be sincere.
To keep the intrigue, it is important to be able to "slip away" in time. If you hooked a person, got interested in something, and then "evaporated", then his imagination will become your ally and he will certainly want to continue communicating with you
"Sometimes views speak better than any words"
The Spaniards, recognized experts in flirting, argue that eye-to-eye gaze is the main weapon of flirting. Learn to speak with the help of your gaze: for this it is not enough, without blinking, to stare into the eyes of the "object". You need to look into your eyes, mentally smile and say to yourself what you would like to express with your look: “I like you! You have a charming smile. I enjoy communicating with you. " Then your look will be meaningful, playful and "speaking". But it is important not to overdo it with the duration of eye contact - 3-4 seconds will be just right!