In the revolutionary 80s - 90s, the request by any authority to characterize a person was declared an infringement of his rights. However, they soon became convinced that this kind of accompanying document is simply necessary in order to have at least an initial idea of the child, for example, who came to the first grade from kindergarten.

Step 1
In a situation when a child moves from a nursery to a kindergarten, from a junior group to a middle one and then to a senior one, changes or finishes school, a characteristic is written on him. A characteristic is a text related to the official business style. Accordingly, it should contain some mandatory elements for quick and easy familiarization with it.
Step 2
In particular, for characterization, a mandatory part is a brief information about official data, where you indicate the last name, first name (patronymic) of the child, date of birth or number of years, location (fixation). As a rule, this is the institution that gives the characterization. These data are placed in the upper right corner, so that on the left, respectively, it was possible, if necessary, to put a stamp of the organization with the outgoing number.
Step 3
This is the so-called hat. For example: "For student 4" B "of class of school №1 in Moscow Ivanov Sergei Valentinovich, 21.01.2005 year of birth …" Then the word "characteristic" is written with a capital letter in the middle of the page.
Step 4
In the main part, in free form, write information that may be of interest to the organization that has requested a characterization. For a child, this is necessarily information about his physical and mental development, communication skills, talents and abilities. Also information about the composition of the family, parents, their social status.
Step 5
The direct curator of the child writes the description. In a preschool institution, this is a teacher, in a school - a class teacher. At the end, the text is certified by two signatures: the head of the institution and the curator - the person who wrote this characteristic. Date is put. The characteristic is approved by the seal of the institution.