One of the main parenting tasks is raising a child. Being an important aspect in the development and spiritual prosperity of a child, it lays the foundations for his vision of himself and his loved ones, his relationship to people, his perception of the world around him.

Step 1
Do not shift the upbringing of the child to others, especially when he is still small. After all, only parents can do this successfully, but for this they need, first of all, to educate themselves. Educate yourself, study pedagogical literature.
Step 2
Avoid an authoritarian style in raising a child, do not deprive him of freedom, constantly dictating every step. At the same time, do not take your upbringing lightly and carelessly. Connivance and permissiveness can do no less harm.
Step 3
Shouting and spanking will not benefit your little one. A child whose upbringing was based on a position of strength gradually adopts the same model of behavior and begins to behave aggressively with his peers, and then with adults. And often, as an adult, he applies the same parenting methods to his own children.
Step 4
If you are annoyed, do not jump on the child, but try to be distracted by something else, leave the room. You will calm down and the situation will cease to seem terrible, and the child's oversight will cease to be irreparable.
Step 5
At about 2-3 years old, the child develops self-esteem, his "I", which he is ready to defend. Try to lay the foundations for discipline and teach your child the basic rules before then. After all, if you pampered him at first, and then suddenly became strict parents, this will cause a feeling of protest in him.
Step 6
Don't put too many prohibitions on your child. Remember that rules and regulations are to enhance your child's safety, not take away their freedom. Stick to the very same rules that you suggest to him. It is impossible for the parents to have their own priorities and the child to have their own. Be consistent. Throwing from one extreme to another (today you have allowed something, and tomorrow it is forbidden) will only harm the child.
Step 7
Do not humiliate the child in the upbringing process, do not make comments or criticize him in the presence of strangers.
Step 8
Respect the opinion of the child and his choice, do not impose your opinion on him. Of course, this should concern issues that he can solve himself due to age. For example, a kid can choose a blouse that he will wear today in kindergarten, or a toy that he will take for a walk.
Step 9
Teach your child to be neat. Show him where your belongings are. Explain that his clothes should be in the locker and his toys should be in the drawer. Put them together while the baby is still young.
Step 10
Encourage him to do things on his own. When your little one tries to put on their pants for the first time, suppress the impatience and give him the opportunity to dress himself, even if he fiddles for a very long time. Each time he will do better and better.
Step 11
It's good if the child has his own responsibility. Depending on his age, he can put away toys, walk the dog, water flowers, put clothes in the washing machine, etc. If he did something well, praise him so that he would like to help you in the future.
Step 12
No matter how busy you are, choose some time during the day that you devote only to your baby. It doesn't matter if it's going for a walk, reading a book at night, watching a cartoon together or drawing. On days off from work, try to compensate as much as possible for the lack of communication. Be genuinely interested in your child's affairs, discuss their problems, and do not look down on them. The little man should be sure that he can always turn to you for advice and support.
Step 13
Combine both softness and firmness in upbringing. To educate is not about punishing or allowing, but about understanding the needs of the growing child. In a difficult situation, before scolding and forcing, try to convince him, explain why something cannot be done.
Step 14
Hug your child more often, tell him how you love him, how dear he is to you, no matter how he behaved. The child should feel that you love him by anyone: unlucky, not very talented, capricious.
Step 15
Try to create a positive psychological atmosphere in your home. The quarrels and nervousness of the parents will definitely affect the feelings of the child. And, as a rule, a child who grows up in an atmosphere of love and mutual respect is more likely to adapt to society when he grows up, and will be more kind and balanced.
Step 16
Raising a person is a very difficult job, and there are no easy ways. Be the best positive example for your child, demonstrate the correct demeanor. After all, young children really want to be like mom and dad.