Raising A Happy Child

Raising A Happy Child
Raising A Happy Child

In raising children, you always have to answer two key questions: "Who is to blame?" and "What to do?" With the first question, everything is clear - there are always guilty ones.

Raising a happy child
Raising a happy child

Kindergarten and school, and computer, and companies, and television - all "prevent" the child from becoming the best. But working on mistakes is more difficult. Bad behavior doesn't grow legs overnight. The truth is they say that you need to educate a child while he is lying across the bed.

The rudiments of character are laid in the earliest childhood, when the parents are the only source of information about the correct behavior for the baby. So, maybe we should stop blaming others and think: are we good or bad role models for our own children, and what good will they learn from us?

Parenting is never easy. And each parent at some point decides for himself: to follow the already beaten path or to look for his own way to the heart of his own child. What actually brings up our children and shapes their personalities? Of course, there are many components. But the main one is behavior, communication within the family of his own parents, regardless of whether they are bankers or librarians.

Children, communicating with their parents, "copy" their views, values, attitudes, habits.

How good or not very much it will be seen when the child grows up. And for parents, while the child is still small and adopts everything, it is important to try to convey precisely the best qualities of their vision of life. Of course, we want our children to take only the best from us, but this is not always the case.

You can talk a lot and for a long time with your child about good and bad actions, but all conversations will come to naught if your words are constantly at odds with your own actions. You can teach your child good manners for a whole year, but once you quarrel with a child with a neighbor or send a couple of strong expressions after the car that cut you off - and that's it, the positive effect of all your conversations with the baby blew away like the wind.

What do we have to do? Just control yourself. Yes, it’s hard enough, you don’t always want to change, and sometimes you don’t have enough willpower. But children are better at seeing the differences between words and actions than adults. Remember, if you want to be proud of your child's actions and behavior, show him this by your own example. And further life will be more positive, joyful and richer for the whole family.
