In order to teach a child about life, it is necessary to teach him to follow the laws of society and allow him to develop freely. In this case, parents need to try especially hard, because here you cannot do without patience and understanding.

Step 1
First of all, tell him about the laws and rules of human existence. Try to ensure that he not only observes external decency, but also learns to understand and accept the foundations of life in society. Explain also that these rules are not only for him, but for you, the parents, who also obey them.
Step 2
Explain to your child the meaning of prohibitions. Try to make him understand that if there are no rules and everyone does what they want, life will become too difficult due to the constant danger of becoming a victim of crime.
Step 3
Explain to your child that you should not hit others, except in cases of self-defense, and also dispose of what does not belong to him. Come up with a main rule and say it as often as possible, illustrating it with real and fictional stories and, better, with your own actions. For example, "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
Step 4
Do not make the mistake of believing that the child will grow up, he will understand and learn all the rules (for example, what will be explained to him at school or his peers in the yard will tell him). Remember - in order to grow up, he needs your help.
Step 5
Don't think that explaining the rules once will be enough. Do not forget also that it is impossible to constantly prohibit the child, since the restrictions must be reasonable and correspond to the age needs of the baby.
Step 6
In order to educate in your child exactly who you would like, first of all, pay attention to your behavior, which will serve as an example for him. Take time to do something good in the presence of the child: explain the way to a visitor, open the door for a disabled person or a person loaded with bags. Or, for example, go to an elderly lonely grandfather together, take an interest in his health and ask if he needs any help. Come up with different stories in which your child will be a hero and then you will succeed.