How To Get Pregnant Quickly: Tips

How To Get Pregnant Quickly: Tips
How To Get Pregnant Quickly: Tips

In any family, there comes a period when two people think about a child. This long-awaited moment becomes the most wonderful. The first question that arises before parents-to-be is: how can you quickly get pregnant? Everything is not as simple as it seems. Sometimes pregnancy takes too long. In other cases, the couple cannot conceive a baby. So what can and should be done in order to see a small miracle in 9 months?

How to get pregnant quickly: tips
How to get pregnant quickly: tips

Favorable days for conception

The best moment for conceiving a child is considered two days before ovulation and one day after. Many gynecologists claim that this period is the most successful. You can also try at other times, but the chance will be much lower. If the desire to have a baby is very great, then there is an opportunity to try the following method: let the man refrain from sexual intercourse for 3-4 days. When there is no regular sex, sperm and its quality improve markedly. So the days when you can get pregnant are increasing. Some doctors recommend two more ways to conceive a baby as quickly as possible:

· Have sex every other day, increasing the frequency up to several times a day;

· Choose a position during which the male genital organ enters completely.

If you can't get pregnant

Can't get pregnant even if ovulation days are counted? Then it's worth trying some more tips in practice.

1. Less stress, more joy. The mental state of two people is the key to the success of a third. So, if a girl is very often upset, under stress or just nervous, then the likelihood of becoming a mother is minimal. Therefore, the best thing to do is to enjoy life more, to have a positive approach to work and other matters, to forget about bad habits. Sex with aromatherapy, burning lamps and candles is a great relaxation for the soul and body. Who knows, maybe it is in such an environment that you can quickly become pregnant.

2. The same position. People have different tastes and preferences. Someone likes to do this while lying down, someone does not mind standing against the wall, while others are crazy about the lateral position. Everyone loves to do it differently. In what position can you quickly get pregnant? There is no single answer to this question. But most people believe that the missionary position is the most successful. From the point of view of gynecology, the explanation is very simple. The fact is that at this moment the girl lies straight, lifting her hips, which means that the sperm penetrates inside much faster than in any other position. Logically, everything is correct - this is, indeed, the fastest way to get pregnant.

3. Menstruation is a delicate matter. Many people are tormented by the question of how to quickly get pregnant after long "women's days". After all, they say that after 3-4 days the egg is not yet ready for fertilization. Doctors advise couples to have sex in the morning, especially after menstruation. During this period, the muscles are maximally relaxed, the uterus is compressed - this is a good moment for an unexpected sexual intercourse. It is at this stage that there is a chance of quickly becoming pregnant after menstruation.

4. Preparations. What pills to drink to get pregnant? This is a rather subtle and delicate question, and most importantly a dangerous one. It is impossible to engage in self-control in this case. The best option is to consult a doctor. If the doctor considers it necessary to prescribe funds that will help the egg to fertilize, then only in this case it is worth going to the pharmacy, having read all the reviews about the drug in advance.

Lifestyle influences conception

It is worth believing that by giving up the wrong food and changing your lifestyle, you can quickly get pregnant. So, if a girl smokes, and a man often drinks alcohol, the probability of conceiving a baby is 10% out of 100. This result is not the most comforting for those who wish to become parents. The only wise advice is to quit all bad habits, to say a confident "no" to things that make life worse. Only after a firm refusal will it be possible to quickly become pregnant.

Another great way to conceive is to go on vacation with your loved one. It doesn't matter what kind of place it will be: a sanatorium or another country, going out into nature or to the lake. In any case, fresh air, new impressions and positive emotions affect the further procreation. According to statistics, many couples conceived children while on vacation. This is another good way to get pregnant quickly.
