How To Adopt A Child: Legal Requirements

How To Adopt A Child: Legal Requirements
How To Adopt A Child: Legal Requirements

Children are happiness and joy. The ways to achieve this happiness are different. One such path is adoption. What is needed for this? A great desire to share your love with a little man, and perhaps not just one. What awaits us on this path?

Kak usynovit 'rebenka. Trebovanija zakonodatel'stva
Kak usynovit 'rebenka. Trebovanija zakonodatel'stva

Those who want to adopt a child have a lot of questions. And there is a feeling that everything is not very simple, almost impossible. The bureaucratic reality in our country does not add confidence. And it seems that a person who is ready to make positive decisions and make the little man and his family happier has many obstacles.

But is everything so complicated ?! What are the requirements for people who pretend to take on the role of a parent, who are ready to take care of those who really need it? Moral preparation is also important, and it is important to know what is necessary in order for the desired child to still be able to find a loving environment. After all, what does it mean to find a family for those people who are in great need of it? It is very important!

Based on the provisions of the Civil and Seimas Codes of the Russian Federation, only capable, adult citizens can be adoptive parents, guardians (guardians).

Who can't be an adoptive parent? There are several categories of citizens:

- persons who have been declared by the court to be limited or completely incapacitated;

- persons who have been deprived of parental rights, or who have been restricted by the court in parental rights;

- persons who have been suspended from the performance of their duties as a trustee (guardian);

- persons who were previously adoptive parents, but the adoption was canceled due to their fault;

- persons who cannot take on the responsibility of raising children for health reasons;

- persons who do not have a permanent place of residence; Please note that the accommodation can be rented, only a lease is needed.

- persons who do not have living quarters that meet the technical and sanitary requirements;

- persons who have a criminal record for willful misconduct against the health or life of citizens;

- persons who do not have an income that will be able to provide the child under guardianship with a living wage; the minimum is set in the subject of the Russian Federation where the guardians live;

A child can be adopted by a married couple. If the marriage is not registered, then the adoption is made out to one of the parents. Also, a person who is not married can become a guardian.

Many people think that in a well-to-do orphanage, a child will be better off in terms of material support. Know that no expensive toys can replace parental love, affection, care and a kiss goodnight.

Adoption (guardianship) is a very important step, therefore, if there is even the slightest doubt, do not rush. There are now “Foster parenting schools”. They will help to gain knowledge in the field of pedagogy and education, protection and child care. This will help foster parents cope with the transition period.

Another way to know if you are ready for adoption is through "guest mode". Parents-to-be take their children home for the holidays and weekends. The convergence occurs gradually. This form of communication allows you to smoothly change the situation, with minimal stressful situations for both parties. So it will be easier for the child to get used to you and learn new aspects of life. And it will give you an additional opportunity to make sure that the decision was made correctly.

What awaits us on this path? The most delicious candy hidden in the closet for mom, many gentle and warm words, a small child's palm in her hand, sniffing noses on the pillow next to her, as well as long and painstaking work in upbringing, helping the child to adapt to the new environment. There is not an easy period ahead of you - but it will be worth it.
