How To Treat Conjunctivitis In Children

How To Treat Conjunctivitis In Children
How To Treat Conjunctivitis In Children

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First you need to figure out what conjunctivitis is. The word is derived from the word conjunctiva, which means the mucous membrane that covers the outside of the eyeball. And conjunctivitis is an inflammation of this membrane, which is accompanied by reddening of the eyelid and discharge from the eye.

How to treat conjunctivitis in children
How to treat conjunctivitis in children

It is necessary

Antiseptic solution, eye drops or ointments with broad-spectrum antibiotics, cotton swabs


Step 1

Inflammation of the conjunctiva can be of a different nature - it can result from dirt in the eyes, and with it bacteria such as staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, pneumococci, etc. Conjunctivitis can also be caused by influenza, herpes or measles viruses. There are conjunctivitis and allergic, most often it occurs during flowering - this is a reaction of the mucous membrane to pollen.

If an inflammatory process is detected in the eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause of the disease and choose the right treatment.

Step 2

The most common conjunctivitis is staphylococcal. It happens 65% of the time. As a rule, one eye is affected, then the other. Therefore, the very first rule in treating conjunctivitis is not to transfer the infection from one eye to the other.

The main treatment is to rinse the eye with antiseptic solutions. Such as furacillin, potassium permanganate, boric acid. Rinse with a cotton swab dipped in solution from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. There should be a separate swab for each eye. After the rinsing procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands. Eyes should be rinsed every one and a half to two hours. Medical solutions can be alternated with a strong infusion of black tea or a decoction of chamomile.

Step 3

After rinsing, drops with broad-spectrum antibiotics (albucid, levomecitin and others) or antiviral drugs should be dripped into the eye. Again, it is best to have two tubes for each eye. Drops can be replaced with ointment (tetracycline ointment, zestromycin). It is easier to apply the ointment to the eyes of a child than to drip drops.

Step 4

The treatment lasts up to two weeks. After the first week of treatment, the number of washes and instillations can be limited to once a day. If only one eye has been cured, then both eyes must continue to be treated. It is better to limit the child's communication with other children at this time.

Conjunctivitis in a child indicates a decrease in immunity. Therefore, homeopathic immunostimulants should be added to the treatment. Monitor body temperature, do not overcool. It is better to cancel walks in the cold season.
