In order to become a surrogate mother, your desire alone is not enough. The very first and main criterion is having your own child. After that, you automatically become a potential surrogate mother, but you will need to go a lot more to reach the final goal.

Step 1
If you are from 24 to 34 years old, you do not have bad habits, you have a child and you are confident in your desire and ability to become a surrogate mother, the first thing you should do is contact a specialized clinic. At the initial admission to most of these clinics, they require the provision of:
- your photo;
- copies of the child's birth certificate;
- copies of marriage or divorce certificate;
- certificates from the drug dispensary and mental dispensary at the place of residence;
- test results for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C;
- ultrasound findings on the state of the endometrium, on the absence of cystic, myoma formations, polyps;
- fluorography and ECG;
- certificates from the therapist.
Step 2
Next, you will be asked to undergo a medical examination and interview. The main purpose of such an interview is to find out the readiness of the future surrogate mother to carefully carry someone else's child; awareness of the likelihood of risk to her health from hormonal drugs and future childbirth; willingness to give a born child to other parents without a grain of doubt.
Step 3
After submitting documents and a positive result of a medical examination and interview, you will be offered to conclude an agreement. But before signing the documents, read the small legal nuances. The amount of compensation for a surrogate mother usually ranges from 500,000 to 900,000 rubles. In the case of twins, 20% is added to this amount. The contractual compensation is paid after the birth of the child. According to the contract, the amount of monthly maintenance is paid, which is discussed individually. On average, it can be 12,000 rubles per month.