Dill is a healthy and unique herb. It contains many trace elements and vitamins: nicotinic and folic acid, iron, phosphorus, a large amount of vitamins B and C. Greens and dill seeds are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases and improve lactation.

Dill water to increase lactation
Our great-grandmothers and grandmothers did not have the opportunity to use modern products that are available in the form of teas, drops and mixtures that improve lactation. At one time they used proper nutrition and folk remedies to increase lactation.
Unfortunately, in the modern world, problems with lactation happen much more often than in those days. And no one wants to lose the precious union, which occurs only through feeding, between mother and child. And mothers begin to look for reasons why lactation has been disturbed, and how to restore it.
If you ask a woman in old age how to increase the amount of milk in a nursing mother, she will answer that you need to drink dill water. In addition to the fact that dill water increases lactation, it is also an excellent solution for relieving colic in babies. And in fact, almost all teas in modern pharmacies contain fennel and dill seeds to increase lactation.
You can buy ready-made dill water in pharmacies. But it is only sold in specialized pharmacies that make prescription drugs. Dill water from a pharmacy is prepared on the basis of fennel oil, which is also called pharmaceutical dill.
How to prepare dill water for breastfeeding?
Dill water is easy to prepare at home. A tablespoon of dry dill seeds must be crushed, then pour over one glass of hot water. Let it brew warm for about two hours. This infusion of dill is drunk to increase lactation twice a day for half a glass.
Dill water for lactation can also be made from fresh dill, that is, dill greens. To do this, you need to take fresh dill, chop it, add one spoonful of seeds to it, and then pour it with not very hot water. After that, the finished mixture must be put in a water bath and kept on it for 15 minutes. The cooled broth is taken before meals in small portions, three times a day.
Is dill good for a nursing mother?
Along with dill tinctures, it will be useful for a nursing mother to use this wonderful spice in dishes, fresh or processed. When breastfeeding, fresh dill can be added to the diet from the 10th day of a baby's life.
To maintain lactation, a positive psychological attitude of the mother is necessary, as well as a strong desire to feed her baby with milk at all costs.