How To Pick Up A Baby

How To Pick Up A Baby
How To Pick Up A Baby

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Having a small child in the family brings with it many fears. He is so delicate and fragile that it is even scary to take him in your arms. However, it is precisely being in the arms of the parents that is very important for the baby. This will have a positive effect on his emotional and physical development.

How to pick up a baby
How to pick up a baby


Step 1

A newborn baby must definitely support the head. Therefore, it is necessary to take a very small child with both hands under the armpits. The middle and index fingers should hold the head, and the thumbs should be wrapped around the chest. If the baby is lying on his stomach, then he must also be taken, only the index and middle fingers should be in front. A child who confidently holds his head can simply be taken by holding the chest or belt.

Step 2

After you have taken the child in your arms, you need to create a comfortable position for him. Children under 3 months old are placed on the side of their chest, the head should be at the bend of the elbow, with the other hand support the back and buttocks. If you carry your baby for a long time, change sides periodically to avoid the development of torticollis.

Step 3

After 3 months, a child can be held with his back to you, with one hand clasping his chest and the other bent knees. After 6 months, the baby can be worn with the tummy down. Pass one hand between the legs, and support the chest with the other. This position will help your baby understand how to crawl. To do this, it should be worn more often. When the child learns to sit and keep his back straight, he can be put on the elbow, pressing to him from the side, and the legs should be wide apart.

Step 4

As the child grows older and weighs more, it will become more difficult to carry it in your arms. In such a situation, it would be appropriate to use a sling. They come in different types and will satisfy the taste of any, even the most demanding mother. The sling has 3 positions - facing mom, on her back and on her side. And for newborns, you can use the cradle pose or a special tab. If the child knows how to walk and often ask from his hands to the ground, you can purchase a hip-sip. This is a kind of seat attached to the belt.
