The child was born, and for the first few days, the medical staff of the maternity hospital takes care of him. But there will come a time when a young mother, on her own, without the help of caring nurses, will have to take the newborn in her arms. This moment is exciting and responsible, so inexperienced mothers should learn in advance how to do it correctly.

Step 1
Try to calm down and not be nervous before picking up your baby. Otherwise, awkwardness and stiffness in movements can lead to incorrect actions and even injury to the child.
Step 2
Stand in front of the baby so that his head is on the left of you, and the legs are on the right, because you will place him on your left hand - usually this is how the baby is held in your arms.
Step 3
Bend over the newborn in order to reduce his "path" to you, because every rise of the baby out of bed is stressful for him. Therefore, let the distance to you, which he must overcome, be shorter.
Step 4
Place your left palm with outstretched fingers under the newborn's neck so that the thumb and forefinger support the baby's head, his neck is in the center of your palm, and part of the palm under the ring and pinky fingers together with the indicated fingers support the baby's upper back. This will keep the baby's lower skull, neck and upper back in the palm of your hand. It is not difficult, you just have to try to do these steps a few times.
Step 5
Place your right hand under the baby from his left side and place his lower back, buttocks and upper thighs on your right palm and wrist.
Step 6
Try to lift the child from the low surface of the bed or diaper not only with the strength of your arms, but also connect the strength of your back to this action. In this case, you will not need to leave the baby hanging on your hands: this will reduce the likelihood that the baby will slip off, and the baby will be more comfortable.
Step 7
After the newborn has been picked up, you need to position it correctly. Press your baby horizontally against your body. Holding the baby's head on the left palm, move the right palm in a smooth motion from under the lower back and buttocks of the baby under his back. With this movement, the baby is gradually located on the right hand up to its elbow bend, and the palm of this right hand gradually takes a position under his head.
Step 8
The moment your right palm reaches the baby's head and you can support it, the left hand should move along the back to the baby's buttocks. In this case, the newborn is shifted from the right hand to the left. If positioned correctly, the baby's head and back should lie on the left arm at the elbow, the buttocks in the left palm, and support the newborn's hips with the palm of the right hand.