Your baby is growing, and now it's time for the first complementary foods. Your child will surely be delighted with the new fruit and vegetable purees. There are many recipes for making baby purees - in some you can bake the fruit, and in others you can grind it raw. But what kind of complementary food should you give your baby?

Step 1
Take only the most beautiful vegetables and fruits, without spots and cracks. Often, especially scrupulous mothers wash food with soap. It's too much. Soap leftovers will not be a healthy seasoning for your little one, but rather the opposite. Therefore, it is enough to rinse them with running or boiled water. There is no need to make mashed potatoes "with a margin", as after heating vitamins and useful minerals are lost.
Step 2
It is better to cook vegetables in a double boiler, then the loss of nutrients is reduced. If you decide to cook them, then throw them into boiling water - this way the loss of minerals and vitamins will be minimal.
Step 3
For the first complementary foods, it is advisable to wipe the finished vegetables through a fine sieve or chop with a blender, and not rub with a crush or fork, since the stomach of the baby may not cope with large fibers. Chopped vegetables are diluted with broth to the consistency of thick sour cream: about 100 g of broth add 30 ml of mass. Do not rush to add vegetable fats to the ready-made puree immediately from the first feeding, but dilute it with broth or your own milk. If a mixed mashed potato is prepared, it should not exceed half the volume, since this is heavy food for a baby.
Step 4
Babies do not yet have salt receptors, so it is better not to salt food. Start complementary foods with vegetables, because the baby is harder to get used to them after sweet fruits. If the child refuses to eat, then he is not yet ready for such complementary foods. In the beginning, mashed potatoes are prepared from only one vegetable or fruit, gradually adding others. This will help you understand which vegetables are not suitable for your sweetheart, cause allergies or increase gas in the intestines.
Step 5
It is better to make apple puree from raw fruits, preferably green ones, as they provoke less allergies in children. But, if raw fruits do not suit him, then bake in a microwave with a double boiler function, since fruits are dried out in a regular oven.