How To Water A Newborn

How To Water A Newborn
How To Water A Newborn

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The need to supplement the infant with water arises in the event of an illness, when there is a risk of dehydration. A healthy baby has enough liquid supplied with mother's milk or in the form of milk formula. Therefore, a newborn should be given water only in some cases.

How to water a newborn
How to water a newborn


Step 1

Prepare water. Drink the newborn only filtered boiled water. Buy special water for babies - it contains all the necessary trace elements and has gone through several stages of purification.

Step 2

Do not use a bottle - If the baby is breastfeeding, it can be dangerous to bottle feed - it is easier to suck on the nipple than the breast and the baby may refuse to breastfeed. Artificial children can be offered water from a bottle with a familiar nipple.

Step 3

Spoon your baby with a spoon; a regular teaspoon is the best option for feeding your baby. Get a silver spoon for extra bacteria protection and disinfection.

Step 4

During illness, give the child a decoction of raisins. Prepare a decoction at the rate of two tablespoons of raisins for one glass of boiling water. Rinse the raisins and pour over with boiling water. Strain the broth and spoon water the baby periodically throughout the day.

Step 5

Give your baby water between feeds, and it will be optimal to supplement the baby one hour after feeding. At this time, there may be a lack of fluid, and the milk or mixture has not yet had time to digest, so the child's tummy begins to ache. Offer your baby water based on the frequency of feedings.

Step 6

Do not preheat the water. Give the newborn water no warmer than 30 ° C and no less than 26 ° C. Reduce the temperature of the water gradually as your baby grows.

Step 7

Offer your baby water from time to time. Do not force the water in, in case of overheating, the baby will drink himself, and you will understand this by how greedy his movements will be.

Step 8

Always give your baby a drink if he is hot. In summer, in a stuffy and dry room, if the baby sweats a lot, he has less urination. Give your child small meals at high temperatures, loose stools, and vomit.
