Inhalation with a nebulizer is one of the most popular methods of treatment today. Especially in demand for the treatment of children. After all, inhalations are effective and at the same time completely painless. However, in order for such a procedure to be beneficial, not harmful, it must be carried out correctly. And one of the important indicators is the execution time.

Inhalation with a nebulizer helps to clear the nasal passages with congestion and a runny nose, soften the throat and soak the mucus, due to which it drains faster, and the disease subsides. Inhalation is quite possible at home. And doctors even wrote a whole instruction for parents, thanks to which you can treat a child quite effectively and quickly.
How long does it take to do inhalation
On average, doctors determined the duration of the inhalation procedure to be 10-15 minutes. You should not exceed this time. True, in the case of children, it will not be possible to exceed it especially, because it is very difficult for little fidgets to sit in one place for so long. But it should be borne in mind that inhalation is also not worth less than the prescribed time. It should be topped up for at least 5 minutes. Otherwise, its effect will be significantly reduced.
By the way, it is quite easy to navigate in time. Many nebulizers will spray a specific amount of medication over a specific amount of time. So, a number of models, for example, are able to spray 5 ml of the drug in just 5 minutes. Therefore, in the process of performing the procedure, it is not necessary to note the time, you can simply look at the amount of medicine in the capsule of the apparatus. Read the instructions and find out if your unit supports this function.
The first time you can slightly and reduce the time of inhalation. However, you need to try to withstand at least 3 minutes. This is only if the child is nervous, capricious and shows various signs of anxiety. In this situation, it is better to let there be less time for the procedure than the baby will not receive any effect due to the fact that he will cry, etc.
If you use one nebulizer to treat several people at once, for example, two children or a father and a child, or yourself and a child, remember that its continuous operation time is about 15 minutes. Therefore, between inhalations for each family member, take a break of half an hour. Otherwise, you risk burning your device.
How to inhale correctly so that it is effective
The patient should be seated with the mask firmly pressed to the face. In doing so, she must completely cover her nose and mouth. During the procedure, conversations are prohibited. Also, do not be distracted by various extraneous matters. This is due to the fact that during inhalation you need to breathe very deeply and focus only on this.
A runny nose is treated with nasal breathing, i.e. both inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose. You must breathe calmly, slowly and evenly. If during the procedure the child coughed, you should interrupt the inhalation, clear your throat well and then continue. Do not increase the time after the break.