The poor appetite of a beloved child always causes concern for parents. What tricks they just do not go in order to force the crumb to eat at least a little food.

Take a closer look
One of the most important things in this case is to understand whether poor appetite poses a threat to the baby's health or not. If a small child always eats little, but at the same time is cheerful, cheerful and healthy, then most likely there is no reason for concern. It's just that a small amount of food is enough for his body to saturate.
In addition, many parents put their child on a plate in portions commensurate with their own, not taking into account that the size of his stomach is several times smaller. If the baby suddenly stops eating, has noticeably lost weight, looks painful and lethargic, it is necessary to take action as soon as possible.
What to do
First you need to see a doctor. Possibly poor appetite is associated with a medical condition and medical attention is needed. If, as a result of examination by a pediatrician and other doctors, the child is recognized as healthy, it is important for parents to calm down and try to develop an interest in food in the baby.
You shouldn't force-feed your baby. If he refuses to eat, then he is not hungry yet. Let your baby go to play. Run, take a walk. Perhaps during this time he will get hungry and happily eat any offered dish.
Avoid snacking between meals. The volume of the child's stomach is small, therefore, having eaten an apple or a cookie before lunch, he may well feel full and will not eat hot dishes.
Do not let the crumb wash down your food with compote, juice or any other drink. They fill the stomach, as a result, the child simply cannot continue to eat food. In addition, by diluting the gastric juice, drinks impair the digestion process.
Come with imagination to table setting. Serve food on small children's plates. Decorate dishes with funny ketchup faces, cut flowers and geometric shapes from vegetables. It is important to attract the child with the sight of food, then the appetite will not be long in coming.